6200 series deep groove ball bearings

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Three metal ball bearings, two standing upright with visible inner rings, and one lying flat. Each bearing has a silver exterior and cream-colored inner ring. The markings JVB 6201Z can be seen on them. The background is plain white.
No.SizeRated loadWeight
Inner DiameterOut DiameterWidth (B)ChamferingDynamicStatic
dDOpen TypeShielded Typersmin (r)CrCrClose
62330.1181 100.3937 40.1575 40.1575 0.150.006 6402200.0016 
62440.1575 130.5118 50.1969 50.1969 0.20.008 11504000.0032 
62550.1969 160.6299 50.1969 50.1969 0.30.012 18806800.0051 
62660.2362 190.7480 60.2362 60.2362 0.30.012 280010600.0086 
62770.2756 220.8661 70.2756 70.2756 0.30.012 329013600.0131 
62880.3150 240.9449 80.3150 80.3150 0.30.012 333014100.0170 
62990.3543 261.0236 80.3150 80.3150 0.30.012 416017800.0191 
6200100.3937 301.1811 90.3543 90.3543 0.60.024 511023800.0320 
6201120.4724 321.2598 100.3937 100.3937 0.60.024 618030600.0370 
6202150.5906 351.3780 110.4331 110.4331 0.60.024 745037000.0450 
6203170.6693 401.5748 120.4724 120.4724 0.60.024 956047800.0650 
6204200.7874 471.8504 140.5512 140.5512 10.039 1284066500.1060 
6205250.9843 522.0472 150.5906 150.5906 10.039 1402079300.1280 
6206301.1811 622.4409 160.6299 160.6299 10.039 19460113100.1990 
6207351.3780 722.8346 170.6693 170.6693 1.10.043 25670153000.2880 
6208401.5748 803.1496 180.7087 180.7087 1.10.043 29520181400.3660 
62/22220.8661 501.9685 140.5512 140.5512 10.039 1390069500.1200 
62/28281.1024 582.2835 160.6299 160.6299 10.039 1790097500.1750 
62/32321.2598 652.5591 170.6693 170.6693 10.039 22400131000.2300 

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